In a hidden world, Vev, a creatus, relocates her family to protect humans and avoid rogue factions. Lonely, with a broken heart, she longs for Arthur, her past love. Despite her desire for reconciliation, she must train young creatus. Sneaking into town, she discovers an attack on humans. With unique venom in her veins, Vev alone is capable of forming an army capable of defending humanity, or so she thinks... READ MORE Kindle ● Excerpt ● Series ● Play ● iBooks ● Nook ● Kobo What readers are saying about the Creatus series : ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ "This story is completely unique, and is definitely not generic sex and vampires. In fact, I think Creatus will redefine the paranormal genre. Creatus has intrigue, suspense, romance, and tremendous depth." – Vine Voice (Creatus) ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ "This book could easily classify itself as romance / mystery / suspense / thriller... I'm not a big Twilight fan, but I did enjoy the first movi...
The Final Book in the Midnight Sons series is here! Readers say: "Suspense, Romance, Action, and Drama… The Midnight Sons Series Has IT ALL!"
If you want to catch up, great. You can find the series at all major retailers, right beside this book! No worries if you're new to the series. Daire's Resolution is a stand-alone story--no cliffhanger! Secrets… Daire Belgarde knows that Alaska is the hiding place of the nation. Nearly everyone who moves to The Last Frontier is running from someone or hiding something. And now, the woman he loves is keeping a secret, too. A deadly one! Kindle ● Series ● iBooks ● Nook ● Kobo ● Play Oh, and for readers who've been following along with the series, there's a new member of the team! Meet Harvey! What readers are saying about the Midnight Sons series : ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ "An Alaskan Adventure... Who doesn't love a bad boy? Match him with a tough, independent female, and you have a dream couple!" — Goodreads ( Sam's Folly ) ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ "An escape into the remote wilderness, with scenes that'll take your breath away and characters you can't help ...