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Do men have feelings? Love deeply, heart and soul? A novice's attempt to prove it.

One of the things I've noticed about novels and movies is that over the decades, writers have portrayed the majority of men to be cold-hearted, uncaring men who needed to be tamed.

Maybe it’s because my father raised me, but I never saw this. In fact, throughout my years, I’ve seen just the opposite. Most of the men I’ve known have loved women to their own detriment.

So I wondered: how could I prove men have feelings?

Well, this isn’t one of those infallible, never-slanted polls taken by Fox or CNN (insert laughter). I did this on my own. I chose not to look at just one source, but many. I decided the best way to prove men had feelings was to use their own words.

I researched Billboard, Top 100, Country’s Best, and several other music lists to find the top love songs in all genres, across all ages. And then, I looked up who wrote the lyrics, because that’s what really matters, right?
SurpriseI was correct. Of course, if I hadn't been, you wouldn’t have seen this post. J Would it shock you to hear that ninety percent of all love songs—in every genre—were written by men. All those gooey, sweet love songs we love, even the ones sung by women, came out of a man’s mind.

Why does this interest me?

Because I write about strong male characters who, though they may seem controlling at times, love deeply with all of their heart and soul. My leads are willing to do anything to get, keep, and protect the women they love.

Soif you enjoy reading romantic-suspense stories with a strong male protagonist, you might love my novels. :)

Until next time, happy reading!


Thank you for stopping by my place and reading my musings. Remember, these are just my opinions and shouldn’t be taken too seriously. If you have questions, please feel free to leave them in the comment section, and I promise you I will answer.  If you’re curious about what I write, please visit one of my author pages, where you can read all about my novels and short stories. And hey, I’ll even give you a free book just for stopping by.

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Image credit: nyul / 123RF Stock Photo


  1. Very interesting post.
    From a man, men do have feelings.
    We've just created a society where it's not 'appropriate' to show them, which is extremely damaging!
    You know what's funny though, when a male celeb shows their emotions most people clap and applause, and then we throw thousands of dollars at them. When the 'man on the street' shows emotions, we laugh at him and tell him he's weak, and of course, "man up, get over it."

    1. Exactly! I'm married to a 6 foot 230 pound teddy bear. But he was a cop, so he's tough, believe me. But no, he's not afraid to show his feelings, even in public. He's silly and funny and cute.

      But like you, he won't read my romantic-suspense novels; though, some men have because of the mystery aspect. I split it 50/50. You could probably handle my short story, The Pit Stop...

      Keep on being you. Thanks for commenting. :)

  2. O ps, one man stereotype that is very true, well definitely for me is, I don't like reading romance.
    No offense to you Carmen, your books sounds great, but I do battle to read romance, and yes I've tried ;)

  3. Good post, Carmen! Since I am a music fanatic, I've often thought about the point you made. If men are so unemotional, etc., who's writing all of these wonderful love songs? I agree with Daniel, they do have the feelings but are often hesitant to show them because of they way they were raised or the atmosphere they find themselves in. It's a pity...

    1. Thank you for stopping by, Chicki. It is a shame. Both of my sons, ages 21 and 16, are tough and sensitive. They'll wrestle with dad and watch romantic comedies with me. I believe they will both make great husbands some day because of it.

      As I mentioned in my comments, I don't write about "bad boys" who need tamed, and I know that enrages some. But sadly, all the men in my life are pretty good, and it's the women who've been bad. LOL! So, I assume some women like to hear about a man with emotions who's still able to beat the crud out of someone who threatens his woman. LOL!

  4. Carmen, sounds like my type of romance. What's really neat about writing men is that you can stretch your "showing" muscle. They may not be running around telling people how they feel, but they show it in their actions.

    1. Exactly, Rachelle. And that is what my characters do. Though at times they may seem controlling, they do everything for love. Hey, I'm married to a cop, and cops see things different than the rest of the world.

      And funny...when I wrote my short story, I didn't realize until the end that I'd written the entire story almost completely from the man's POV. I guess I like being in the man's head. It must be the fact I have very few women in my life. :)

      Thanks for commenting. :)


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