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Ride that wave as far as it will take you…

Don’t look at the rocks below, keep your eye on the wave, and ride it all the way to shore.

Does that translate? I think so. I don’t think you have to be a surfer to get that analogy, and you certainly don’t have to be able to surf well—I can attest to that.

Thank goodness for web-surfing, because I never was good at it, even though I grew up in Cocoa Beach, home of Ron Jon’s Surf Shop if you didn’t know.

Anyway, how does this relate to writing? It doesn’t. It relates to selling.

Here’s what I learned in the last year:

· Writing is easy; writing well is fractionally harder

· Writing a query letter and synopsis is harder than writing a novel

· Querying an agent or publisher is agony, way harder than writing a novel

·But the hardest part of writing a novel, beyond a shadow of a doubt, is selling your novel. It’s a nightmare!

Especially when you realize that though most authors are a little wacky and flamboyant, pretty much all of us would rather be holed-up somewhere writing.

So, back to the wave, which is Amazon Prime—a miracle in disguise.

Why would you put a $3.99 book on Amazon Prime? Who would download a $3.99 book, as opposed to a $14.99 bestseller? No one, until that book becomes a bestseller.

So, how do you become a bestseller? Well, it used to be you needed a large agent or publisher behind you, or you needed to be one heck of an Indie writer with the first ever $.99 cent platform to get noticed.

But now, Amazon Prime has changed that. By offering your books free, you are letting the readers choose, not some big execs somewhere decide what they want you to read. For the first time ever, readers really have a voice. They can download all these wonderful, unknown authors and say, “We like this; we want more!”

Yeah, I gave away almost 100k books in the last year, but there were still more readers. My novel has been on the "paid" bestseller list several  times in the last twelve months because readers cheered across Twitter and Facebook that they liked what they read. :)


Amazon and Avid Readers made my dream come true. I've sat so close to Nicholas Sparks, Nora Roberts/J.D. Robb, and Iris Johansen that I feel I may just have hope at a writing career. These are writers I’ve read for years, never believing that I could sit beside them on the “paid” list. I didn’t count myself as a “bestseller” on free, even though my publisher said I could. But when I saw my name next to these great authors, I literally cried.

And yes, I’m riding that wave as far as I can. I refuse to look at the rocks below; I’m keeping my eyes on my goal: The New York Times® Bestseller List or bust, baby.

Someday I’ll be there. It may be my next novel, or it may be my twentieth, but I will make it! Thanks to you, my readers!

Thank you for stopping by my place and reading my musings. Remember these are just my opinions and shouldn’t be taken too seriously. If you have questions, please feel free to leave them in the comments, and I promise you I will answer.  If you’re curious about what I write, please visit my author page, where you can read all about my novels and short stories.  And hey, I’ll even give you a free book just for stopping by. 

As always, happy reading, friends.


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  1. Congratulations, Carmen! So excited for you! :)

    1. Thank you, Lorraine. I can't wait to read yours after all the teasers you shared with us via Six Sentence Sunday. :)

  2. I watch from the side lines, at how you and other writers are, when you are on the Bestselling list. It makes me cry lol. I am so happy for you and I do believe you will ride this wave, and succeed!

    1. Thank, Connie! I cry too! When I was sitting next to my favorites on the bestseller list, I could barely explain to my hubby who was out of town. The words came out garbled and it actually worried him, wondering why I was so emotional. Writers! We're suck blubbering fools sometimes. ;)

  3. Lovely post, Carmen. You inspire me.

    1. Thank you, Ann. That means a lot coming from you, as you are a wonderful writer.

  4. Love the pic!

    Very encouraging words. If I ever end up next to Nora Roberts I know I'll be crying for days! Congratualtions again and I know one day, you'll be on that NYBS list!

  5. You will get there! I've read all those authors you mention. You are right up with them. Love your faith, that's one reason you will make it., the other of course is your books. Great post, very optimistic.

    1. You're awesome, Kim. Thank you. Friends like you are why I've gotten as far as I have. Without you, my writing is nothing but a journal. <3 :)

  6. Congratulations on your successes, Carmen! You inspire all of us!

    1. Thank you, Cathy! I'm not there yet, but together, my friend, we'll get there. <3 :)

  7. Congratulations Carmen! You have made me a fan for life!!! The only complaint I have is I don't have a new book of yours to read!!! hehehe...

    1. Sorry...I'm just seeing this, Terry. And...we've come along way since... Now you're getting first peeks as a beta reader. LOL!

      Hope you are enjoying the most current...but shhhh... <3

  8. Great post, Carmen! I'm so glad I've discovered you :-). And thanks for being so generous to other authors. I plan to learn a lot from you while also enjoying your books. A win-win.

    1. Awesome, Anne, and thank you! It looks as though you are doing pretty great. It worked well for me, and I see you were #1 today with 'Raveled'. Congratulations, my friend! :)


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