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“What does your boyfriend call you?” Excerpt from ENTANGLED DREAMS:

This is just a teaser. If you'd like to read the first three chapters, click here.

Last week our female protagonist, Alexandra Nicole (Nicky), just hopped on the back of a complete stranger’s motorcycle because she was depressed about her father’s death and ticked off at her boyfriend--correction, ex boyfriend. This week we’re going to hear a little of motorcycle guy's thoughts, as much as I can get into my sample, that is.

This week’s excerpt:

She started walking toward the beach, so like an imbecile he climbed off his bike and followed. When they crossed the boardwalk, she walked north a little farther, and again he followed.
About fifty feet away, she plopped down on the sand, pulled out the bottle of bourbon, and took a few gulps of the Slurpee. “Ooh, head rush,” she giggled.
He approached, her but remained standing, not sure what to do next. Why had she brought him here? She reached up and grabbed his hand, pulling him down in the sand.
“Are you afraid to get your pants sandy?” she asked playfully. “What’s your name anyway?”
“You don’t talk much, do you, Cameron?”
He shrugged. “What’s your name?”
“Everyone calls me Nicky.”
“What’s your name?” he repeated.
“I just told you.”
“No, you said everyone calls you ‘Nicky’, which means that it is short for something.”
“Alexandra Nicole,” she said on a sigh, turning her gaze away from him and looking out at the ocean.
He leaned in front of her to get her attention back on him. “Why are we here, Alexandra? Where do you live?” Cameron knew this couldn’t end well. What was this woman thinking?
“Merritt Island,” she answered in a soft voice, barely a whisper.
“What?” he shrieked. “Why did you—you expect me to drive you back to Merritt Island?” This definitely couldn’t end well. What in the world was this girl thinking?
Alexandra looked down at the bag in her lap. “I don’t expect anything from you, Cameron.”
She poured the bourbon into the Slurpee and handed him the cup.
He shook his head. “I don’t drink.”
“At all?” Her inflection gave away her shock at finding out someone wouldn’t drink. He guessed working in a bar could cause a person to think that.
“At all,” he answered again.
Leaning back into the sand, she shrugged her shoulders and took a long swig.
Cameron sat without uttering a word, watching the surf pound the beach. He loved the sound. Many a night he enjoyed walking to the beach and just lying back on the sand, drowning himself in the sounds of the ocean.
Alexandra was a mystery. What in the world was she doing here with him, a complete stranger. She wasn’t his type at all; she was entirely out of his league in many ways. She was too pretty, too tall, too friendly. For being so tall, though, she sure had a knockout figure. She had to be five-eight or five-nine, but her body…she looked like a real-life Barbie doll. Her hair was golden blond with soft curls, the kind of hair women spent a fortune to achieve, but hers looked natural. And it was long. Even pulled up it came halfway down her back.
Not that any of that mattered because he didn’t date. And even if he did, she certainly wouldn’t be interested in him. “Alexandra, why did you get on the back of my bike?”
Her eyebrows furrowed as she turned to look at him, contemplating his question it seemed. “I’m angry at my boyfriend. Why do you insist on calling me Alexandra when I told you my name is Nicky?”
Figures. He knew she couldn’t have been interested. Not that he wanted her interest…he didn’t want to date anyone he reminded himself. “What does your boyfriend call you?”
“My name. Nicky,” she answered tersely.
“I prefer Alexandra.”

Download my new release, Entangled Dreams, from your favorite retailer...

Until next time, happy reading!

Carmen DeSousa


  1. "I prefer Alexandra." LOL, sounds like he's unknowingly striking his claim! In no way does he plan to be anything like her boyfriend! Great 6!

    1. Thank you, MJ! I think you're right.

      And I've already been to your place. So bad of you to leave the poor readers hanging. LOL!

  2. Sorry, the link to read full isn't working for some reason. If you go to the tab at the top for ENTANGLED DREAMS, it will take you to full sample. I've loaded the full prologue, first chapter, and part of chapter two. Have a great Sunday, friends. Happy reading!

  3. Great six, Carmen! I love their dialogue. It says so much about these two. :)

  4. Love your heroine's determination and spunk...but I like that the hero doesn't let it get him down! Enjoyed your six!

  5. Great conversation -- they're at odds in almost every line. Nice tension!

  6. To me, he already sounds like a good guy... Love their interaction. :)

  7. Oh, I love that he will call her whatever he wants. More, please!

  8. I love that he calls her something else. I think she'll learn to like it.

  9. They have many things to work out and find out, knowing the complexity and keep-us-guessing-inagoodway of your plots LOL! Excellent excerpt as always!

  10. Oh the frustration. Nice share.

  11. Alexandra sounds like a perfect name for her!

  12. Dialogue is intriguing - pulls you into the scene and brings the moment alive!

    1. Thank you! If nothing else, I strive to make my characters believable. Hence the subtitle of ENTANGLED DREAMS, "Life isn't a Fairytale". It's real life. :)


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