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"I’ve wanted to kiss you from the moment on the riverbank" Excerpt from LAND OF THE NOONDAY SUN

What better way to show you 
than to share a first kiss…


“It’s beautiful,” she said, glancing around at the scene expanding before her. She could see why he loved the area and had decided to live here.
“See out there.” He pointed to the western mountains that were much larger than the one they were sitting. “Those are the Smokies. See the mist. They look as though they’re on fire, don’t they?”
She chuckled nervously. “Hence their name.”
“Exactly,” he said, laughing quietly, resting his hand over hers.
It felt good, too good.
“You know, Cassandra, there’s an ancient Indian legend in these mountains.” He stared forward at the valley below. “There was an Indian princess madly in love with a warrior, but her parents were forcing her to marry another to maintain peace between two rival tribes. When her truelove discovered she was marrying another, they decided to run to the highest peak and jump so they would always be together. Right before they planned to jump, the warrior leaned in for a final kiss, and a gust swept in and carried the princess away. Now he searches the valleys, whispering her name in the wind, hoping they will be brought together for eternity.”
Cassandra felt his fingers trail up her arm causing goose bumps to rise on her flesh. She turned to look at him, and his face was within inches of hers.
She lowered her head then whispered, “Is that a true story?”
“No, I just made it up. You said you liked stories. I wanted to see if I could cause your skin to react…did it work?”
“Yes,” she breathed.
He slid his hand up her arm and wrapped it around the back of her neck, resting there. His other hand moved to her face. He simply gazed into her eyes for a second, giving her a chance to say no, but she couldn’t find the power to resist anywhere inside her.
“You’re beautiful, Cassandra, and so incredibly feminine. I’ve wanted to kiss you from the moment on the riverbank. I hated seeing you shivering. Without even knowing you, my arms ached to comfort you.”
She gulped, unconsciously licking her lips, not sure if she was supposed to respond to his comment.
He didn’t wait for a reply. He pulled her head forward slowly while still gently cupping her face. His lips touched hers lightly, retracted for a second to gauge her reaction, and then he pressed his mouth to hers again. His lips were warm and soft as they moved over hers, testing and experimenting with the feeling. His mouth worked wonders, and she found herself opening up to him, allowing his tongue to softly circle hers.
His hand moved through her hair following her curls down her back pulling her closer. And then his other hand slowly fell from her face only to follow her arm down to her lap, retrieving her hand and placing it on his shoulder. She realized she had been immobile up to this point, locked in his grasp like a falcon and its prey. She moved her hand up his neck, entwining her fingers through his hair. As wild as his hair looked, it was soft, incredible soft.
There was a low groan from his throat, and then he pulled back unexpectedly, his eyes guilt ridden. “I’m sorry, Cassandra, I shouldn’t have—”

Book description, as it's not just a romace:

When two strangers have nothing left but their dreams, they must forge a relationship in Nantahala, North Carolina, a small town known as Land of the Noonday Sun.

Cassandra is the beautiful, yet analytical daughter of a wealthy attorney. Destined to follow in her father’s footsteps, her life of privilege suddenly shatters, and she finds herself with no home, career, or money. A glimmer of hope arrives in a letter from the grave promising a happier existence. Cassandra stands to inherit over half a million dollars if she can live in the sleepy little town of Nantahala for six months. Falling in love, however, was not part of the deal, and without warning, she finds herself fighting for two lives.

A man with a traumatic past is able to turn his life around and is happy with his chosen career as a whitewater guide. Everything changes though when fate hurls a woman into his path. His carefree life is in turmoil, and his former weaknesses threaten to overtake him. Will he be strong enough when tragedy strikes and is once again in danger of losing everything he loves?

Just a few of the reviews:

"Wow! Carmen DeSousa has written another emotional and suspenseful story about family, friendship, love and betrayal that captured my attention from the very beginning."

"What I really have to say about this book is WOW! It has it all! Romance, suspense, mystery, tragedy, faith."

"I loved this one. I think it has a lot to do with the characters. Carmen DeSousa may be incapable of writing a hero that doesn't make me melt."

"Passionate characters, beautiful North Carolina setting, true love, and a bang-up mystery to tie it all together. Need I say more? "Land of the Noonday Sun" is a must-read!"

Ready? Here's where you can get your copy:

I love talking about all things books, so please connect with me via one of the links below.

Image credit: joseasreyes / 123RF Stock Photo


  1. Aw, such a tender moment...and the day at the riverbank easily depicted on the book cover. *sigh* warm tingles on my skin!


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