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When reading, your heart should pound as if you're prey and race in anticipation of a kiss..

A great book increases my heartbeat, as if I’m prey, melts my insides in anticipation of a first kiss, and immerses me in its depths, never letting go.

Ahhhisn’t that the truth?

I’ve enjoyed many books written in first person, but I love to visit more than just one character’s thoughts. Similar to watching a movie, I love to read from all POVs--well, to a point, I still don't want to be in too many characters' heads.

To counteract this, some writers have even gone to writing several first-person accounts. Again, not a bad strategy, as long as they make sure they hammer-in whose POV they’re in. Nothing worse in my mind when I’m reading a book and halfway down the page I have to reread because I didn’t realize who was speaking. I know you’ve been there, right?

My goal as a writer is to put you inside the head of the protagonist and the proverbial “bad guy’s” head. Why? Because I believe you invest even more of yourself as a reader into the story if you know why the characters are doing what they are doing.

According to readers, this is one of my strong points, evident by the reviews on my novels. No, I’m not going to make you read every minute of the character’s day, but I will make sure you know their thoughts behind their actions, feel their pain when they’re hurt, and release a sigh of contentment when they do.

Here are just a few of the reactions from my romantic-suspense bestseller, She Belongs to Me.

“Her imagination brings the characters to life in such a way you feel as though you can reach out and touch them.”

“Carmen describes her characters and their personalities so well that you feel you know them.”

“Carmen DeSousa has written an incredibly stunning book, full of spot on visuals that put you in the midst of the conversations, like a ghostly guest that spies on a romantic dinner date.”

Those are just a few of the reviews about my characters, whom I hope you’ll want to meet as well.

Short description: A tightly woven tale of love, possession, and concealed histories, She Belongs to Me follows a man who finds his wife unconscious, clinging to life. Was it a suicide attempt, or a sinister force from her former life?

And the best news...She Belongs to Me has more than three hundred reviews averaging four stars and is always priced 'less than that latte,' can read it free with your Kindle Unlimited/Prime membership!

Happy reading and imagining, friends!


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Image credit: nexusplexus / 123RF Stock Photo


  1. I'm with you, Carmen, on getting to know the motivations of more than just one character. Get me caught up in the emotions of everyone involved, and I am rooting, cheering, or despising the bad guy, fully invested in the story. I am one of those authors who chose to write 1st person and I do it with more than one person's pov. It works best for the types of stories I tell, but I never dive into more than three pov's, the hereo, the heroine, and the third comes in only when needed to break up the thoughts of the main characters. And hammering in who's pov is key!!Great post!


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