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"So what do you say…wanna go dancing with me tonight?" SHE BELONGS TO ME Excerpt:

Jaynee questions Jordan wanting to take her salsa dancing. He immediately responds to her comment as though she thinks he's just a dumb country boy, and he assures her he isn't.


He flashed a wicked smile, wiggling his eyebrows at her as he shifted the car into drive.
“What in the world type of dancing are you planning, Jordan?” she asked.
He glanced in the rearview mirror then back at her. “Salsa…” His tone was seductive as he enunciated the word.
You, Salsa dance?”
He huffed at her reaction. “Baby…it’s not my fault you think I’m a dumb country boy because of my accent, which by the way I can suppress if I want.” He did so instantaneously, demonstrating his ability.
She started at the endearment “baby” but addressed his accusation first. “I have never thought you a ‘dumb country boy’, Jordan. Country, yes, but never dumb!” Her face flushed with anger that he would even imply such a thing.
He reached across the seat and stroked her arm. “I know, darling. I didn’t mean you literally thought I was dumb.” He sighed. “I’ve just been accustomed to people making assumptions about my heritage and intellect my entire life.” His accent was back to normal; she liked it better that way. “My parents were from North Carolina, and as you know, my sisters and I spent all our summers with my grandparents there, so I did pick up the accent. But I’ve traveled all over the world and lived in many different cultures with my parents and then again on my own in the military. I enjoy every variety of music imaginable and think a good night out doesn’t just consist of getting drunk and going muddin’. Although, the muddin’ part can be fun.” He pulled her hand to his lips. “So what do you say…wanna go dancing with me tonight?”
Her heart fluttered at the feel of his lips on her hand. “I say ‘yes’, and I love your accent, Jordan. Don’t turn it off again, please.”
“Anything you say, love.” And he drew out the words even slower in that seductive southern drawl, sending chills down her spine. 

According to readers, She Belongs to Me is a sensual and gripping read that will have you falling in love and wondering if you can trust anyone right up to the last page.

Download She Belongs to Me:

Until next time, happy reading!

Carmen DeSousa

I love talking about all things books, so please connect with me via one of the links below.


  1. It always irritates me when someone automatically assumes less of me because I prefer to live in the country. He must really like her, because my response would have been quite different. It shows some nice insight into his character. Good six. By the way, he's right, mudding is a blast :)

    1. LOL! You are absolutely correct, and that is mentioned several times. Sadly, some people do hear an accent and slow drawl and automatically assume the person is not intelligent.

      But in Jaynee's defense, he did the assuming; she never once implied...but of course it's hard to show all of that in six sentences.

      As always, I'll add the rest of the sample after SixSunday is over, so please stop back in. :)

  2. How could she possibly say no???

    It is funny how some accents trigger positive or negative reactions, without consideration for the person.

    1. I know I couldn't, so she couldn't either. And sadly it's true. But most of my characters are good ol' country folks, and they are far from stupid. Thanks for stopping by. I hope you'll read the entire excerpt now that SSS is over. :)

  3. Just in those six sentences, you've given us such a wonderful glimpse into his character. He sounds like a very patient hero :)

    1. The beauty of SSS. It is amazing, isn't it what we can reveal. Although, I do go back in and add a little more after SSS is over, especially since one of my visitors though that my heroine was one of those people who judge people by their accents and not what's inside. Thanks for stopping in, Monique. Happy reading!

  4. It's sad but true that some accents do make some people form incorrect assumptions.

    He is very patient. I don't know that I would have been.

    What's mudding?

    1. True, Keira. But I assure you Jordan was doing the assuming. LOL!

      Mudding is when men and women take their four-wheel-drive vehicles off road to an abandoned site, usually one that has a lot of turned up ground and hills and especially after a rain. Been several times myself, and it can be scary. It always felt as though the truck were going to fall (hood over trunk) forward, which I'm sure they do. My husband used to love doing it in his Jeep, but now we prefer to just take our mountain bikes off road. Thank you for stopping by and commenting. :)

  5. I guess she sold him on country girls - well travelled ones.

    1. Yep, Kristal. Only he's the well-traveled country boy who's gonna show her life. ;)

      Thanks for stopping by. I added the remainder of the excerpt since SSS is over if you want to read the rest.

      Happy reading!


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