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Ten signs you've made a career out of writing… #AmWriting #Blog

·You consider coffee and dark chocolate breakfast, sometimes lunch, and often a snack

·Someone tells you what happened to them and you immediately think of how to incorporate it into a book

·You get to read and call it studying, and those books are a tax write off

·You take your idea notepad (paper or digital) everywhere, especially to bed

·Coffee and Diet Coke count as at least one or two servings of your daily water intake

·You’re still in your PJs when your spouse comes home at 6:00 p.m.

·Wine is often dinner, a snack, and dessert

·You kill people for a living and don’t get arrested; in fact, most people cheer you on

·Everybody’s read your life story, they just don’t know which parts are real

·You wake up at three a.m. and type a great idea on that notepad mentioned in #4 and the next morning realize how stupid it is, but keep it anyway 

These are just ten signs I quickly jotted down because I love what I do as a writerplease feel free to add your own in the comment section. I'll look forward to reading them, and if I laugh, I'll tweet it, so please add your Twitter handle.

As always, happy reading!


Thank you for stopping by my place and reading my musings. Remember, these are just my opinions and shouldn’t be taken too seriously. If you have questions, please feel free to leave them in the comment section, and I promise you I will answer.  If you’re curious about what I write, please visit one of my author pages, where you can read all about my novels and short stories. And hey, I’ll even give you a free book just for stopping by.

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  1. @JaneLovering says ... you mutter to yourself all the time, practicing dialogue and trying out sentences!

    1. Guilty!

      Family has found me practicing restraining techniques too. :)


  2. @ShelleyWilson72 ... you call your own child or spouse by your main character's name! Oops!

    1. ROTFLMBO!!! I've soooo done that. Hubby just groaned, and then said, "Thank goodness you pattern all your heroes after me."

      Me: "Of course!!!"

      Tweeting now!

  3. But I often rush and change out of pj's just before my hubby gets home!

    1. LOL! I try, but he's the boss at work, so he likes to just surprise me. I tell him to text me when he's on his way if he wants dinner. So if he doesn't, and I'm still in sweatpants and a t-shirt, it's pizza night!!! :)

  4. "the next morning realize how stupid it is, but keep it anyway "

    I have stupid stuff I wrote back in the eighties that I decided to keep anyway. It's too embarrassingly bad to see the light of day, but too good to throw away.

    1. Exactly, Kate! Just for fun...I like to go back and read some of my attempts at stories. I even wrote one fan fiction, which, eventually, I may change all the names and rewrite. It's a little out there, but I still like it. Don't forget WattPad... It's a great place to share a fun story that you don't want to publish. I use it for some of my deleted scenes that were too good--I though--to throw away. :)

      What's your Twitter handle, so I can turn your comment into a tweet? Cheers!

  5. You often say "that's wrong because that's not how I'd write it."

    1. LOL! When reading...watching a movie...listening to a friend's personal account of what happened, or all of the above? :)


  6. How about you'd rather spend time with your fictional characters than with a majority of the people you know in real life? Or is that just me...?

    1. Not just you, Melissa. I think there's a reason must authors love to hole up in their homes.... But...notice that we have a lot of online friends. I think social media is so great for us because we've finally met others who understand us, and we're all better at putting out thoughts into words. :) Tweeting.

  7. You think one of your characters just wrote her own dialogue.

    1. Oh...I hear you there, Mike! My characters are always trying to do what they want to do, and sometimes, I found it's better to just let them have their way. Here was a prime example: Do you hear voices?

      Thanks for stopping by! :)

  8. I go on vacation and ask for a rolling chair to place next to my window!!!! Lol

    1. You too? That's my favorite writing time!

      Here's a great quote for you, Maria.

      'A writer never has a vacation. For a writer, life consists of either writing or thinking about writing.' -- Eugene Ionesco

      Thanks for stopping by my place! :)


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