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Cover Reveal and Excerpt for CREATUS ROGUE ~ Paranormal Romantic Suspense

Book Two in the Creatus Series
Creatus Rogue
I love when my covers resemble a scene in my books because as a reader, I get excited when I get to that part. Although the excerpt I chose may not be the exact scene, it was an easy one to share as I don't give away too many details of the story. I hope you enjoy!

If you haven't read the first book in the Creatus Series, you can find more information, check out some of the reviews, and download it FREE from all eBook retailers. Click here for the links. 

Spoiler Alert!!!

Proceed with Caution!

~ Excerpt ~

Deciding she needed exercise, she took the stairs to Derrick’s rooftop. The wispy clouds she’d spied earlier had scattered, leaving a star-speckled canvas above her. She breathed in the cool night air and took off in a sprint across the top of the roof. The next building over was about ten stories lower than this one. Luckily, she’d worn dark jeans and a black tank beneath her coat, so she didn’t stand out against the ink-black sky.
She hit the lower rooftop running, scattering up bits of gravel and dust, as she made for the other side. She’d made this run before, the night Kristina had gone missing and she’d been trying to find Michael—the night she met Reece Buckley.
She leaped onto two more buildings, her breaths coming quicker, filling the air around her with white billowy puffs. Systematically, she made a wide arc around Back Bay, skirting the Charles River, and then making her way back to her car.

If you've read Creatus Book One, I'm sure you know this character. I hope you enjoyed the excerpt I chose and will look forward to book two.

The Creatus Series is not your normal paranormal's a realistic twist of the myths you've heard your entire life. Prepare to believe...

Cover art by Viola Estrella


  1. I love the cover sooo much! A perfect match to Book 1. Yay!

    Can't wait to read it. :D

    1. Thank you, Kelly! Viola Estrella did an awesome job, I think... I'm so glad you agree. :)


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