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New Excerpt for Creatus Eidolon

For four thousand years, creatus have concealed themselves from the humans who hunted them almost to extinction. Now, one rogue creatus faction wants the world to know they exist.

This is an excerpt from Book Three in the Creatus Series, which is Coming Soon! If you'd like to start the series from the beginning, you can download the prequel, Creatus (They Exist), here

This week, I'm introducing you to a new spoilers, of course. Happy reading! J

“YeahI seenda guy. Never does enough to get arrested I guess, but from what I understand, he pushes the girls as far as they let him. Guess he’s into all that BDSM stuff.”
The doorman smiled, and Casey couldn’t help but grimace, wondering if the big man liked that stuff too. He could only imagine what dominatrix would be powerful enough to bring the giant to his knees. A shiver went through him at the visual. Thankfully, he didn’t have time to experiment with domineering sexual games that had gotten so popular since that erotic book hit the bestseller lists. He’d lost count of how many calls he’d been on where acts involving handcuffs and whips and chains had gotten out of hand.
“You see him with anyone Friday night?” Casey continued his questioning, hoping that the guy’s manager didn’t show up any minute and shut him down. From his experience, he’d always found that most managers of restaurants and clubs were nowhere to be found between the lunch and dinner rush. If he showed up at a business between two and four, he almost always heard, ‘He’ll be back at five’, and then if he went about it correctly, he’d usually get an employee who was more than willing to talk, and employees usually knew what was going on more than managers anyway. Strange that almost all of his investigations started with a visit to a restaurant, bar, or hotel. It seemed even bad guys went out before they committed a crime—or a more likely scenario, the alcohol they consumed while they were out fueled them to do something they might not have done in the first place.
The Samoan bobbed his head. “As a matter of fact...yeah. Couldn’t help it. Don’t think anyone could have missed ’er. Don’t get me wrong, we get lots of babes coming through here. And for some reason, they treat us doormen as though we’re celebrities too.” He shrugged. “They think we have pull with the security teams that guard the bands.” He smiled a toothy grin. “We let ’em think that.”
Casey didn’t bother to point out that he’d said that employees weren’t allowed to date the customers. Then again, maybe that rule only applied to the waitresses, in order to protect them. “Do you remember what she looked like?”
The big man nodded, his broad smile flashing again. “Oh, yeah. Tall...damn near close to six foot...taller with the boots she was wearing. She had blond hair too, almost white. Unusual in here, the reason she stood out. Most of the punk rockers have black as midnight hair. She was also a beauty. I one of those chicks you’d see on a runway. High cheekbones, tall, shapely... You on those TV specials put on by that lingerie store.”
Casey couldn’t help but laugh. He liked this guy. A little rough around the edges, but he seemed like a nice guy. “Did she leave with Rick Williams?”
He shrugged. “Dunno. I saw ’em in the middle of the floor a few times when I was making my rounds, but didn’t notice ’em leave, which is strange. I was at ’d door after the concert ended, so ’dey must have left early.”
“Who was watching the door before close, then?” Casey asked.
“Maybe no one. Not too many people are trying to get in when the show is almost over. I had to escort my boss to the office with cash drops before the club closed. Too much of a chance of a robbery if customers see a lot of loot in the drawers, especially at closing. More of a temptation.”
Casey nodded. “How old would you say the girl was? Anything else stand out?”
“Had to be at least eighteen, that’s the youngest we allow.” He narrowed his eyes as though he were thinking. “Yeah...she was...cautious. She got here real early. The other reason she stood out amongst the usual crowd. It almost looked as though she were scoping out the place. Not like she was gonna rob us, but as if she were forming her escape plan. You a cop would do.”
Or, a cop’s daughter, Casey thought, but didn’t voice his beliefs. “And she was almost six-foot tall with platinum blond hair?

The Creatus Series is not your normal paranormal's a realistic twist of the myths you've heard your entire life. Prepare to believe...

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