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Authors, don't go it alone! Everyone needs a helping hand. #AmWriting #Blog

Thankfully, when I decided to start my career as a full-time author, I had a few things working for me.

First, I'd spent years in sales and marketing, so I knew the importance of building a brand. Eighteen months before I published my first book, I'd already started all my social pages, connected with many like-minded authors, and of course, met other avid-readers who shared my love of reading. 

Second, through my ventures, I also met a publisher, which certainly made it easy for me, since I had someone who knew all the ropes when it came to publishing.

But, I still needed sales, and let's face it...even though I met a lot of great people, that would only take my career so far. I needed to meet the masses. 

So, I set out with a plan to meet the avid-reading community. That's not as easy as it sounds. Honestly, as I look back, I can tell you the number one way I met readers was through Amazon's Kindle Select program. By offering my first book free through Amazon, I was able to meet many readers who downloaded, read, and reviewed my book. 

So, years later, I thought to myself... Could I replicate my process, what I did, with a complete unknown?

Well, I'm not going to offer you proof via an actual name, as I think when authors--or anyone for that matter--seek out professional image help, the person helping them should be anonymous. Similar to all those funny movies where the suave, popular man spoke into the meek, unpopular man's ear while he tried to woo a woman. But, I'll give you the scenario and outcome.

Six months ago, I helped an author, who--was in the same situation I found myself in six years ago--she needed a career change after twenty years in the same field. 

She'd never sold a book. Didn't have a social profile, didn't have a publisher. But she'd written a great book. So, I helped her edit the book, design the book cover, publish, and then finally, market herself and the book. To my surprise, this author, who didn't have one follower, no publishing company behind her, no marketing team...ended up on the bestseller list within days of publishing her first book. Stayed on the bestseller list for months. And now she's in the process of writing book two.

So... What sells a product? 

Product Image
Name recognition
A Push
A Salesman

The answer, all of the above! But sadly, not in the order you think. Yes, having a great Product Image is important, but without readers knowing who you are, it won't sell your book.

Yes, that second step, the informative and exciting Book Description, is important, too. But again, if people don't know you, why would they believe what you're selling. Sure, you might get a few... But, it won't make up for those untold hours you spent slaving away at your product.

So, what works?

Well, my answer is simple: don't go it alone!

A Push...

If you're a first-time author, or even an author who has a few books, seek help among your peers. Connect with other authors on Twitter and Facebook, join groups where they discuss different ideas.

The fact of the matter is... If Stephen King puts a quote on a book, more than likely, that book will sell. After that, though, the author has to prove himself to keep selling, all King did was give him A Push.

A Salesman... 

Let's call Book Bub, eReader News Today, Pixel of Ink, Book Gorilla, Kindle Books and Tips, and the like, salesmen. 

Yes, you usually have to have a few reviews, but several of them have gone to promoting new releases. If you're offering your first book free or $0.99, FOR A LIMITED TIME, many of them will take a chance. Quick note: selling a book at $0.99 doesn't do anything if readers don't know you, or if you don't advertise it. Remember, you are buying their time. Their time is a lot more valuable to them than a buck.

Name recognition... 

After you publish a few books, sure... Now, people know who you are. Yes, it still requires a great cover, a well-written book description, and marketing, but now you will have your core readers, the readers who'll follow you and read everything you write. So, be nice, be friendly, treat your readers well, and they'll keep coming back. 

Until next time, happy reading and writing, friends!


Thank you for stopping by my place and reading my musings. Remember, these are just my opinions and shouldn't be taken too seriously. If you have questions, please feel free to leave them in the comment section, and I promise you I will answer. I love talking about all things books, so if you want more posts on writing, marketing, new releases, and giveaways, please leave your email address here. I only send out a post once or twice a week at the most. :)

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Image Credit: erizof via Flickr


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